Infection control statement

Annual statement


This annual statement will be generated each year in August.

This practice is committed to the control of infection within the building and in relation to the clinical procedures carried out within it. This statement has been produced in line with the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and details the practice’s compliance with guidelines on infection control and cleanliness between the dates from 2023 to 2024.

Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) lead

The lead for infection prevention and control at Tiptree Medical Centre is Kerry Millar, practice nurse.

The IPC lead is supported by Marie Elms, practice nurse.

Antibiotic and Sepsis lead – Dr Amy Roberts, GP partner.

From 2024, this annual statement will be generated in August each year and will summarise:

  • Any infection transmission incidents and actions taken
  • Details of IPC audits/risk assessments undertaken and actions taken
  • Details of staff training
  • Details of IPC advice to patients
  • Any review/update of IPC policies and procedures

Infection transmission incidents (significant events)

Significant events involve examples of good practice as well as challenging events.

Positive events are discussed at meetings to allow all staff to be appraised of areas of best practice.

Negative events are managed by the staff member who either identified or was advised of any potential shortcoming. This person will complete a Significant Event Analysis (SEA) form that commences an investigation process to establish what can be learnt and to indicate changes that might lead to future improvements.

All significant events are reviewed and discussed at monthly meetings. Any learning points are cascaded to all relevant staff where an action plan, including audits or policy review, may follow.

In the past year there have been 0 significant events raised.

There have also been 0 complaints made regarding cleanliness or infection control.

Staff training

All staff have been allocated annual IPC training via Blue Stream Academy eLearning.

IPC issues/updates are discussed monthly throughout the year in clinical/general meetings.

Staff are encouraged to raise any IPC concerns with the practice manager or IPC lead.

External audit

External audit carried out in January 2024, audit report available upon request. Actions from this audit included:

  • New bins with lids and foot pedals for general waste in clinical rooms – completed
  • Removal of carpets and replacement with IPC recommended flooring – in progress
  • Replacement of taps and hand basins for compliance – in progress
  • Work required to reception toilet undertaken – completed
  • Replacement of chairs in clinical area – in progress

Hand hygiene audits

Hand hygiene audits returned with 100% compliance in correct technique over the last 12 months. Hand hygiene audits will be undertaken on a yearly basis from January 2024 for clinical staff and every 3 years for non-clinical staff. Staff are aware of the importance of hand hygiene in reducing healthcare associated infections.

Waste and sharps audits

Waste Audits are conducted on a quarterly basis.

Safe management of rooms and equipment audit

Commencing 2024, a quarterly audit of room safety, cleaning of rooms and equipment checks.

Cleaning audits

IPC Lead, Kerry Millar to inspect all clinical rooms, clinical storage areas once a month to ensure protocols and cleaning schedules are being followed.

Cold chain audit

Cold chain audits are conducted on a quarterly basis. Cold chain policy is in place and reviewed July 2024. All staff are trained on commencement of employment to receive and care for vaccines.

  • Vaccines close-to-expiry stock are clearly labelled and vaccines continues to be rotated in date order.
  • A medical grade cold box is available in the practice in case emergency transfer of vaccinations is required.
  • Fridge temperatures continue to be checked once a day and are now recorded electronically on GP TeamNet

Practice annual IPC audit

The last annual IPC audit was completed in June 2023. Whilst this is an annual audit, action points arising from this audit are constantly reviewed during clinical and general meetings.

IPC policy

The IPC policy has been updated and expanded to provide more detailed information. All Practice policies can be located on GP TeamNet and can be accessed by all staff. Additionally, all policies are amended on an ongoing basis as per current advice, guidance and legislation changes.


It is the responsibility of all staff members at Tiptree Medical Centre to be familiar with this statement and their roles and responsibilities under it.


The IPC lead and practice manager are responsible for reviewing and producing the annual statement.

This annual statement will be updated on or before 1st August 2025.